Thursday, January 29, 2009

Journal entry by Edward De Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, deceased.

By every ruse and bribe did I attempt
To vanish from the sight of men;
Tho Time and scholarship -- twins o'trickery

And unkempt -- hath found the fingerprints

And the pen. **

Indeed. I admit my twin identity.

As for Marlowe and Bacon: They would, no doubt be apoplectic; grand guffaws and hoots and drunken merriment. Still, they cashed my cheques and kept their mouths shut tight.

** The copyright for this small verse is in the name 'P. Boogaloo'. (Being dead necessitates such vile actions.)


Anonymous said...

Glad we could help ye lighten that purse.

Silly old twat.

Anonymous said...

I was very good at keeping secrets.

The (late) Earl of Oxford said...

Gentlemen: Help yerselves to a tomato.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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