Now, had I been in charge of the Rules of the Game, I would have decreed that Bishops be in the front Rank, still allowed to go side-wise, on the bias (well, their sexual habits would demand it, n'est pas?) but most easily gunned down (even by that bit o'biscuit that dropped upon the board.) An early end to them and good riddance. To the Church, I say fook.
I might also have invented a larger Board and more pieces: Earls, for a start. Yes. Earls would have the combined power of Queens and Knights (my God, Essex would have killed for that. Me too, for that matter.)
Hmmm... I see where this going. Yes, I can spell sedition.
Yer L'awdship: The fact that no one speaks to these posts is to be applauded. It is a testament to your deadness.
By fuck! 'Tis the truth.
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