Saturday, March 14, 2009


Another historical 'what if' has been laid to rest. The results of forensic tests have determined that every member of the Russian royal family was murdered by the Bolsheviks, including the heir to the throne, Alexei, and his sister, Anastasia. 'Twas not so long ago that some people believed one or both escaped the slaughter.

Personally, I much prefer history that has a decent slathering of doubt and mystery. Gives me something to read and ponder. And there are things we'd be better off not knowing. (I especially don't want to know anything about the actual bedroom antics of Victoria and Albert. Ewww.) Still, I wouldn't mind knowing just how many balls Hitler had in his golf bag. Inquiring minds, eh?

Hmmm... and did wicked old Richard lll really kill his little nephews? (I know, I know: I wrote a play. But you must understand that I knew fuck all for certain -- except which side of the bread contained the butter. And I thought it prudent to swear by the Tudor/Lancaster brand of butter and cheese. To the victors go the spoils. Losers have boils... or at least humps on their backs. Or wither'd legs. That sort of thing.)

Boogaloo... bring us flagons of ale.

1 comment:

Jon said...

ah what happened to Marolwe... was he swallowed by a whale? was he stabbed through the eye socket...
ah kit... will we ever know... of wo is me...

thanks for your perspective on things... love the slant...